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TV Submission

You can submit a flyer advertising your event or organization to be displayed on CEAS Tribunal TVs. These TVs are wall-mounted in Baldwin Hall and the 8th floor of Rhodes Hall. Your advertisement will be displayed alongside other promotional materials for 20 seconds and will continue to loop with the rest of the content. The advertisement will be taken down after 2 weeks or when the date of the event expires. If you desire to submit an ad to replace an existing one, you can specify that in the description.

To submit an ad, please fill out the form below. Provide a brief description describing the nature of your advertisement.

Ad Requirements and Recommendations:
  • A jpg or png image
  • 2MB limit
  • 16:9 aspect ratio for best results
  • Event or organization relating to or benefiting CEAS
  • 1 advertisement per organization and display window

Any advertisement will be reviewed according to the discretion of CEAS Tribunal. Please allow 3 days to review your submission. You will receive an email when the submission is approved.


We have sent you an email to confirming your submission. You will receive an email when the submission is approved.